
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Helping Out is Cool

by Ellen Feinman Moss

Wondering how you can make a difference? Helping Out is Cool illustrates different ways that you and your family can volunteer and 'help out' in your community.

Buy it


  1. It was fun reading this book with you! I cannot wait to read your comments...

    Ms. Whitney

  2. i like when she sed heloping out cool me and my family helop peopol to and when she did the can food drive.

  3. they gave food to homleit pepel and they teenagers he mom make book for peple that kat read and she make had fonn.

  4. i tells about helping the werled. For example, they had a mesy grtin and now it is a pritty grtin now. Sometimen that is wut i do.i recicl wen i am at my nana,s houes.

  5. we have to show how much we care about the earth. i think it is cool to help pepol who cant see or hear.
    my favorite part is the reacaleding because they are help the earth.

  6. I thing this book will help people that don't know how to share,help like at school thaliyah help me pick up write notebook off the flore.

  7. I Like the part in this storey when the mom givethe books to the bln pepol.

  8. My favorite part was when the people recycle the paper and the botle because I do that when I am at my grandma house at the back yard.
    the important thing that I learned was to recycle.

  9. I like about the book recycle that has my favorite part it was good because recycle is good. I learned that to help is cool. Hunter I like your part to because it was abuot recycle.

  10. the book was about help favorite port was when they help the homelis people.ilearnd that to help people.
    Jourmana, i agri with what you said.

  11. The people wore help out. I like when thay recicl. I would like to help people who don't have good shools to go to by giving them broshurs from rga. Sir Davin, I like that to because that is sweet.

  12. My favorite ports was when they help the homeliss people. There are no good school in my neighborhood so it made me want to pass out RGA flyers to the neighborhood so they can have a better school.

  13. This story meens helping the camute. the story means to help the por.
    Sir Davin, I like what u rot abuot the blind.


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